What we do

Information on the work going on at EFP

A short video by Caroline Allen  'Protecting the Future - Fertility Preservation' which will give you a snapshot of what we do:

'Protecting the Future' Video:  


In this video, you will be able to learn about ways that research can help boys to make sperm in the future, after they have had treatment that might damage their sperm-making cells. You can find out more by visiting the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health website: https://www.ed.ac.uk/centre-reproductive-health/news/2021-news/fertility 

'Will I be able to have children after my treatment?' Video: 


Fertility preservation techniques usually involve taking some tissue from the patient before their treatment, and storing the tissue until they fully recover. In some cases the tissue can be used to conceive a pregnancy via IVF, while in other situations tissue is transplanted back into the healthy patient. The treatment map below is a comprehensive representation of the nature of the procedures carried out at EFP and where they might fall in a typical timeline:


Image of chart showing Edinburgh Fertility Preservation procedures


Recorded lecture from Professor Hamish Wallace, one of EFP's founders, about the impact of fertility preservation:

'Fertility Preservation for Young People with Cancer'  Video:


For our most up-to-date findings and developments, please visit our recent publications page.